Gids bij vernieuwing | In the Heart of Change | Amsterdam
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Meesters in het begeleiden van menselijke processen


De kunst van het begeleiden van menselijke processen is dat je fris blijft ook als je ervaren bent. Onze expertise in leiderschap heeft ons in staat gesteld om meerdere organisaties succesvol door transities te leiden. Daarnaast hebben we als sjamaan vele zielen door intense bewustzijnsprocessen gegidst. De wereld van leiderschap en de wereld van het sjamanisme hebben veel verwantschap voor wie ze doorleefd heeft. 


We zijn fris omdat we helder zien wat ons te doen staat. 

Sven Goedbloed en Sara Hermanides

Sara Hermanides & Sven Goedbloed

Welcome to our website. We're currently right in the midst of a transformation. Our guidance as shamans for ceremonies and intensives has come to an end. We've accomplished what we needed to in our roles as shamans. Now, something new awaits us, and we're not yet sure what it is. We're bringing all the experience as executive coaches/consultants and all the wisdom of the shaman with us to explore new horizons. Deeply grateful for the trust of our clients and participants, we're reinventing ourselves. Want to stay updated? Sign up for the free Wolf magazine on this site and follow us on the Sven and Sara podcast on Spotify.

Get Real, Life's a miracle!

Sven and Sara


This podcast helps to understand shamanistic insights. In a personal conversation Sven and Sara share their thoughts on dream reflection, the elements, plant medicine, shadow work, ancestral DNA healing and other topics that are part of their approach as shamanistic guides from 'In the Heart of Change' 



Your own wisdom is your best guide. Wolf knows that better than anyone. Go your own path and be inspired. Wolf magazine , our free on-line magazine for trailblazers.


Some of our items are in English  Check shop.  

Johan van Hasseltkade 225A

1032 LP Amsterdam

Contact: Sophie de Feijter 06 28780736

Chamber of Commerce 71932208

Bank account: NL26TRIO0391059823


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