In the Heart of Change
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Traveling in your own nature


    Being in your element  


Remember what matters 


This trajectory is about your natural strength. In four two-day sessions you will be brought into all your elements. Element requires a certain courage because it opens up worlds in which completely new perspectives are visited. Element is for everyone a marker in their own development. You open abilities that you knew existed but did not yet have access to. Element is 'radical', it goes to your roots.


We are committed to your development because it is about your nature. The literal meaning of 'nature' is; 'that which is to be born'. A person who meets himself and gets rid of all imposed patterns is wonderful. Our guidance is careful and confrontational and suits people in transformation.   




Session 1 Fire and Dream : The Power of 'Unity'. What happens when you let go of the analytical distance that belongs to the 'viewer'? What does it get for you and the other person if you start to see that every friend, partner, working relationship represents something in yourself? In a fire session  of two days it is illustrated on the basis of dreams how this mirror principle works. You learn to look at your daily life from a new perspective.


Session 2  Sky and shadow : We all carry ancestral energetic loads. This Element of air is all about clearing/blowing through blockages that have been passed down through the generations.  With the skully method we go through this gate as a group to free what can and may be released. Skully is a deep insight into the empowering and sabotaging powers of ancestor energy. A deep recognition and awareness of all the light and dark of the ancestral line, what do you take with you and what is not yours?

Session 3 Water and plants : 'The power of inaction'. Our ego wants to be active, it wants to 'break through', 'achieve', 'let go' and much more. What happens if you let go of your activity and assume that you are essentially unnecessary? For many of us, that is an unacceptable position that evokes immediate resistance. Yet it is precisely from this place that you begin to see the true value of yourself. In a two-day ceremony, shamanic journeys are made with plants. You remember the power of surrender.


Session 4  Earth and animal : 'The power of not knowing'. What happens if you let go of your knowledge and know and start racing on a large field of knowledge? For a person that is a big step that requires surrender. Animals are masters of it and can help us remember how the primordial principle of not-knowing works. You will experience how horses can intervene very precisely in human processes based on their intuition. You learn to recognize this 'knowing field' in your own life. This session is supervised together with Coby van Beets van der Hoeff from Kifungo


Integration Days: Ether and Integration

It should be clear that Element is not an average trajectory for people who are looking for a spiritual challenge. Element is suitable for those who are willing to explore themselves and their role in depth. For people who dare to do this, it is a transformative experience that is carefully guided. After every two-day element session there is an integration day. On these days, specific attention is paid to integrating your experiences.



Sven Goedbloed & Sara Hermanides


We guide professionals and companies in innovation processes. We do this through methodologies that offer an opening to new worlds and new perspectives. At this time, human consciousness is growing exponentially. We are becoming more and more aware of the great contradictions in the world that are nothing but a reflection of our own inner struggle. At the same time, out of the sight of the masses, new abilities and insights are being born that will shape the human beings of the future. This time demands consciousness of another level. We are happy to serve this consciousness. ​


Element trajectory 2022


  • January 6/7, 2022 : Fire and dream (Putten)

  • February 3, 2022 : Integration session (Putten)

  • February 24/25 : Earth and animal (De Renske Hoeve)

  • March 24, 2022 : Integration session (Putten)

  • 13/14/15 April 2022 : Water and plants (Wells)

  • May 12, 2022 : Integration session (Putten)

  • 2/3 June 2022 : Sky and ancestor work (Putten)

  • June 30, 2022 : Integration session (Putten)


Price: 5500,- (excl. VAT) payment in installments is possible

Location: The locations are spread throughout the Netherlands  


Registration closes with 12 participants. 

Johan van Hasseltkade 225A

1032 LP Amsterdam

Contact: Sophie de Feijter 06 28780736





Chamber of Commerce 71932208

Bank account: NL26TRIO0391059823


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